Big Give SA 2024

Join us for the 11th Annual Big Give SA Event • September 18-19, 2024 (6pm – 6pm)

The Big Give is South Central Texas’ 24-hour online day of online giving fueled by the power of generous donors, creative nonprofits, social media, collaboration, and you! The goal of the Big Give is to support our local nonprofits that are committed to making South Central Texas a great place to live, work, and play. Since 2014, 188,937 donors have given over $20 million dollars to over 2,000 nonprofits through the Big Give, making it one of the most successful giving days in the country.

The Big Give SA 2023 is over and we’d like to sincerely thank everyone who participated! You helped CAM raise $23,445 this year for those in need in San Antonio. We did much better than last year, woohoo! This funding will go towards providing those in need with food, clothing, financial assistance with utilities, birth certificates, IDs and so much more. Thank you to our amazing CAM supporters, advocates, CAM champions, volunteers, friends of CAM and so many more. You all helped CAM have another successful year during the Big Give SA!

The Big Give SA 2022 is over and we’d like to sincerely thank everyone who participated! You helped CAM raise $15,209.58 this year for those in need in San Antonio. This money will go towards providing those in need with food, clothing, financial assistance with utilities, birth certificates, IDs and so much more. Thank you, San Antonio, for another successful year!

Big Give SA in 2021. We’re over-the-moon thrilled that all of our donors and supporters helped us, not only reach but, exceed our Big Give SA goal of $25,000 this year! YOU helped us raise $29,000 this year during the Big Give SA and we could not be more grateful. Your dollars go directly back to those we serve on a daily basis with safety net needs, such as food, clothing, financial assistance, spiritual support, IDs, birth certificates, and SO much more! CAM relies heavily on the support of our donors and volunteers, so we truly want to thank each and every one of you for continued generosity. May God bless you all immensely!

Big Give SA in 2020 was a little different due to the global pandemic. The Nonprofit Council allowed San Antonio nonprofits to fundraise in March for Emergency Relief funds specific to COVID-19. To those who donated to CAM during that time, we thank you from the bottom of our hearts. Big Give SA had their “regular” fundraiser in September of 2020, and while CAM didn’t meet its goal, we still raised funds for our clients. We thank all of you who donated to the cause and helped champion our mission!

We are truly humbled by your generosity during 2019 Big Give SA! You all brought in over $24,000 this year for CAM, and even though it was just short of our goal, we are so grateful for this gift from the San Antonio community. YOU made a difference in this community. YOU made a difference in the lives of so many people in crisis. Please feel proud of yourself. YOU’ve changed someone’s life for the better. Aside from the money raised, we were able to visit with so many potential volunteers and donors. You can’t put a price tag on a future volunteer/donor! We look forward to doing this again with YOU next year in 2020!

If you’re interested in helping during the Big Give in 2020, or if you’re interested in being on the volunteer committee, contact our Director of Development, Sarah Kory, at or call 210-223-4099.

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